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Jericho Baseball

Here's an exciting opportunity for female athletes of all ages.

Baseball BC and its members groups are offering a Virtual High Performance seminar for interested female athletes.  This opportunity will be the first of its kind to be offered to our knowledge and is geared towards empowering females, striking-out stereotypes and advancing bases towards the first woman player in Major League Baseball.

This will take place on the Zoom Platform on Friday Aug. 14th from 5:30-10PM PST.

The line up of speakers is outstanding and includes former Olympians, current WNT coaches and athletes as well as college and university coaches.  Oh, and maybe a former big leaguer or two as well.  Alexis Brudnicki, from MLB,  will be the events host and moderator.

We are looking forward to an amazing event for the athletes and would ask that you please share this information with your respective networks so we can maximize participation and include anyone interested.

Regrettably,  we are not able to provide translation services for our French speaking partners at this time.

Registration for this event can be completed at the following link…

Please see attached promotional pieces should you wish to include in any social media or website platforms.  Please help us spread the word.

Please direct any questions related to this event to Scott MacKenzie through the Baseball BC Office.

Scott MacKenzie

Director – Programming, Coach Development, LTAD & Member Services

Manager of Operations – Female Development

Coach – Women’s National Team (2016-2019)

Baseball BC


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