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Frequently Asked Questions

What does "Baseball Age" mean?

In 2015, Little League Canada decided to make it easier for children to play with their classmates, to that end they chose to base age-groups on the school calendar year rather than a straight birth year. An age-group includes children born between September 1st of a given year and August 31st of the following year. 

Click here to use the little league age calculator.

How are players assigned to teams?

For the Majors and Minors Divisions players are assigned to teams based on their skills assessments, with the goal of having evenly balanced teams within each sub division. For this reason, we do not accept friend requests for players within the Majors Division. We will, however, still accept friend requests for the Minors Division and will do our best to accommodate (though please note that it wont' always be possible.)


For all other Divisions, we consider friend requests, school catchments and pairing up potential parental/guardian Coaching volunteers with their own children. We do our best to accommodate all requests, but can’t guarantee anything.

When do I find out when practices/games are held for my child’s team?

Schedules are generated after teams are formed and we aim to have schedules complete by early March. We try to get them posted as soon as possible, but please be patient as they can only be generated after registration is closed and we know how many teams we have. If after recieving your schedule, you find yourself with a scheduling conflict, please reach out to and we'll try to move you to another team. 

What equipment will my child need?

Equipment requirements differ for each division.  Please see the Divisions tab for more information.

What are the expectations of me as a parent?

In addition to the volunteer hours which pertain to your volunteer deposit, parents and guardians are expected to be present at games and practices and help out with field prep and scorekeeping (only applicable for some Divisions).

Why do I have to pay a volunteer deposit fee for each of my children?

The volunteer commitment is per child because each player adds to our operational needs.  The more kids, the more volunteers we need.  In 2018, Jericho parents contributed over 10,000 hours to the operation of our league, an amazing feat!  If you chose to volunteer a minimum of 8 hours per year/per player, we'll refund this deposit. 

If I volunteer for a larger role can I get my volunteer deposit refunded for multiple children since I’ll likely be putting in more than 8 hours of volunteer time?

Yes!  Certain roles, which involve more than 8 hours of time, are now eligible for a volunteer deposit refund for up to two players. Please read the job descriptions for more details on how many volunteer deposit refunds any given position is worth. If this commitment is greater than you’re able to offer at this time, please consider volunteering for smaller roles to make up your 8 hours/per player.  Please email if you have any questions about any of these roles. 

What can I expect if I've been waitlisted?

After registration officially closes - we keep it open to accommodate waitlisted registrations. We do our best to accommodate all waitlisted players and have them placed on a team as soon as possible.  If, by the start of the season (early April), we're unable to find a team for you, we'll refund your registration fee and volunteer deposit at that point in time.

Still have questions?  Contact
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